Why Monsoon Season Is Crucial for India and the World
The monsoon is one of the most important natural phenomena for India and the world. It brings life-giving rains that nourish crops, replenish water sources, and bring relief from droughts. This water would normally be carried from the evaporation of oceans; however, during monsoon season, winds carry moisture onto land producing heavy rainfalls that supply much-needed water to areas that otherwise struggle to sustain crops or vegetation.
The monsoon season is essential to India's agricultural economy, with an estimated 60% of its population relying on it in one way or another. The SBI research report further notes the sector's contribution to GDP has grown from 14.2 percent in FY18 to 18.8 percent by FY22 - signifying the critical role agriculture plays for many individuals and families nationwide.
The monsoon season officially begins on the Kerala coast around June 1, followed by its advancement across India and concluding in mid-July. This vital rainfall is not only essential for hydropower generation and reservoirs, but half of India's agricultural land receives no irrigation making these rains even more integral to successful harvests. During this much anticipated period from June through September, farms are able to thrive due to the plentiful precipitation provided throughout the country.
Monsoon and the Indian Economy
The monsoon season has a huge impact on the Indian economy, not only through agriculture but also through other sectors such as industry and services. It is estimated that India's GDP could grow by 3 percent in a good monsoon year due to increased agricultural production. On the contrary, if there is a below-average monsoon season or drought conditions prevail, then agriculture output can decrease significantly, leading to an economic slowdown for the entire country.
In addition to its direct contribution to GDP growth and agricultural output, the monsoons affect other sectors of the economy, such as power generation, transport, manufacturing, and tourism. The lack of rain can lead to reduced hydropower availability and disruption of transportation networks due to infrastructure damage caused by floods or landslides.
Agriculture and Monsoon
The monsoon is vital for agriculture in India as it provides the necessary moisture required for crops to grow. Without these rains, farmers would have to rely heavily on irrigation and manually moving water from reservoirs or other sources of water. This could be extremely costly and time-consuming.
An ideal monsoon season allows Indian farmers to maximize their yield and increase their profits considerably. Therefore, a good or bad monsoon season can determine whether or not a farmer will make money, which has implications far beyond just one family's finances. A bad year could lead to a farmer going into debt if they take out loans hoping to make a successful harvest, only being unable to pay back due to failed crops caused by irregular rainfall. This could ultimately lead to a ripple effect in the economy by affecting jobs and other industries that rely on agriculture.
Crops like rice, which are heavily dependent on monsoon rains for irrigation, can suffer significantly if the rains are inadequate. This could lead to an increase in food inflation due to a decrease in supply, thereby affecting the entire population of India.
Crops that Benefit from Monsoon
The monsoon season is vital for many crops, especially in India where a majority of the agricultural land relies on it for irrigation. Some of the most notable crops that benefit from the monsoon season are rice, wheat, maize, jute, sugarcane, and cotton. All these crops are grown extensively in India and form an integral part of its economy.
For instance, rice farming takes place mainly in the eastern and northern parts of India where the soil is very fertile. Rice requires a lot of water to grow, making it dependent on monsoon rains for its irrigation.
Similarly, cotton is grown mainly in the western and southern parts of India. The crop benefits from the humid climate brought by monsoon rains as well as additional hydropower that is generated during this season. This makes it easier for farmers to use pumps to irrigate their crops with minimal effort.
Apart from crops, livestock also need access to water during the hot summer months brought by the monsoon season. This can be critical for their survival as inadequate access to water could cause them to dehydrate or die off in large numbers due to limited resources.
Farmers involved in raising fishes for commercial purposes also depend heavily on the monsoon season. The rains replenish water levels in rivers and other bodies of water, allowing for new fish populations to be established. This helps with the contribution made by fishing, which forms a large part of India's GDP as it is one of the world's largest exporters of seafood.
Power Generation and Monsoon
Monsoon rains are also essential for power generation, as India relies heavily on hydropower. Heavy rainfall during the monsoon season increases water levels in rivers and reservoirs, leading to increased electricity production from hydroelectricity plants. This is especially important in areas that do not have an abundance of other resources such as coal or natural gas.
Similarly, reduced rainfall can lead to decreased levels of water in rivers and reservoirs, resulting in a decrease in electricity production from hydropower plants. This could cause major disruption to power supply across India, leading to both economic and social problems.
Climate Change and Monsoon
Climate change is expected to have a significant impact on the patterns and intensity of monsoon rain in India. A report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) suggests that climate change will lead to an increase in extreme weather events such as floods, storms, droughts, and heatwaves which could affect the timing and amount of rainfall.
The effects of climate change are already being felt across India with reports of delayed or early monsoon rains leading to crop losses and disruption to power supply. It is therefore essential for countries like India to adapt their infrastructure and agricultural practices to prepare for these changes in order to reduce their vulnerability to such disasters.
Climate change is defined as a global phenomenon, which means that its effects are not limited to just one country or region. The monsoon rains in India impact the entire South Asian subcontinent, making it vital for the entire region to come together and tackle this issue with collective efforts.
Climate change is caused by human activities, which means that the solution must be a collective effort from all nations to reduce their carbon emissions and shift towards renewable energy sources. This is essential if we are to protect the monsoon rains in India and ensure long-term sustainability for this precious source of water.
The monsoon rains in India are essential for its economy and society, providing vital hydropower, irrigation, and sustenance to the country's agricultural sector. With the threat of climate change looming large, it is essential that India takes collective action with other nations to reduce emissions and protect this precious resource. The monsoon rains are a part of life for Indians, incorporating themselves into every aspect of their culture; their importance cannot be understated.